Monday, 4 April 2011

Site Safe

Day spent in class today.  Started Buit 4542: Foundations, Sub Flooring, Flooring & Decking.  

Afternoon was spent with Colin for site safe course, in order to get building construction passports.  Actually a really good course, & especially helpful towards 4540 due next week in regards to the health & safety section!
Learnt loads about statistics, which helps to put things into perspective - there certainly is no room for complacent behavior on site, if you value your life.  Course touched on responsibilities of parties involved, how to identify hazards, what leads to hazards & how we can eliminate, isolate & minimise them.
At the end of the day we always can come up with excuses for poor work practices, but none of them are really valid if it causes injury or death.  

The most pivotal thing i took away from this course was a saying that was mentioned, which was: 'Don't expect to change, if you're not prepared to be a part of it'.  
In other words, you can't make things safer for you, if you are not prepared to put safer practices into play yourself.

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