Wednesday 6 July 2011

Finishing Weatherboards & Putting Up Building Wrap

Today we put our heads down, so that we could get the weatherboards all painted & finished so that they would be dry and ready when we get back from break.
Had to do a bit of re-shuffling, as one of the frames collapsed under the weight - important to keep an eye on that in the future. 

Whilst doing this, some of the team started on the building wrap & by the end of day we were all out doing this to get the job done.  We stayed back till all the wrap was on the building, so that it was all covered up over the break.  As the floor board has been exposed for quite a period of time, it was a priority to get this done, to give them a bit of protection from the elements.
To put on the building wrap, the roll was run horizontally along the building & pulled as taunt as possible.  Once tight enough, it was secured using a staple gun to all frame work that it was sitting on. 
For areas that were irregular shapes (eg. the gable end roof truss) a craft knife was used to cut away to match the edge.  Blue strapping was then run around the outside of this building wrap to hold it in place (which again, was secured with a staple gun). 

Not openings were cut out except for the main door entry, the rest of the building is fully enclosed.

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