Wednesday 30 March 2011

First Aid - Day 2

Finished up the First Aid Course today.  We did the final assessments on CPR for the lecturer for child & infant (which was from yesterday's learning) & then dealt with new things today, such as:
-Broken & fractured bones
-Symptoms & Actions for different medical conditions such as hypothermia, heat exhaustion, sprains & strains.

Also learnt loads about different types of burns & how you can combat them, depending on what type of burn it is.

Eg. Chemical burns should see the person put under water for a minimum of 20minutes to remove from skin.

Was a great couple of days, got to get to know the class a bit better, bring on next week.

Pictured: Zethan CPR on Child, Henry CPR on Infant

Tuesday 29 March 2011

First Aid - Day 1

All bandaged up - care of Mike!
Mark giving attention to Erin & his arm injury!  >>

Today in first aid we spent the day learning our first response to a scene where someone has been injured.  The proper procedures to go through: Danger assessing, Response, Call for help, Airway, Breathing, CPR, Defibrilation & so on.  Really great course, easy to understand, lecturer is quite the comic, so things seem to stick when he's teaching - always a help for things like this! Had a go at CPR on adult, child & infant, along with dealing with obstructions  as well.  Afternoon spent on heart attack procedures, & addressing different types of wounds.  Looking forward to tomorrow

Monday 28 March 2011

Seeing The Saw Stool Appear

Workshop today was full of classmates getting the finishing touches done on their saw stool assignment.  
A few fast fella's were making groovy boxes to hold their very own oil stones for sharpening their tools... it's pretty stink to know I haven't even started (man it sucks to miss a few classes, you end up being way behind everyone else).
The worst part - it doesn't look like the easiest of projects, with nails going the wrong way, joins not fitting tightly together, lots of chiseling & goodness knows what else.  Lets hope its easier than it looks to do!  
My skills today were limited to learning how to use the grinder & oil stone to sharpen a chisel.  Quite an interesting process - grinder better if there is a chip off the tip of the chisel so that it can be evened out quickly.  Water is used to lubricate if metal is getting too hot & you know you're on the right track when the sparks fly straight down the face of the chisel.  Oil stone also great to use, its amazing how sharp the chisel edge can get from a few circular motions... lets hope the saw stool is as easy to do as the oil stone was to use!

A few shots from class.  The boys all hard at work!

Sunday 13 March 2011

Computer Lab & Practical

Fooling around on the computer today to familiarise with blog for assessment & also set up of gmail account for course requirements.  Looking forward to the practical this arvo.

Finall made it to practical sessions - half dove tail & dove tail joints.  Loads of measurements, getting familiar with tools, especially set square, sliding bevel, saw & chisel.
Techniques for cutting into an interior piece of wood pretty cool & makes sense - several cuts into piece to be removed, then attack with chisel!  Amazing how it falls out so easily, & its quick to even out with the chisel afterwards. 

Friday 11 March 2011

First Week So Far

Well the first week is done and dusted.  First impressions - this is definately going to a challenge!  A little weird to be the only girl in the class, but I'm fast learning that this doesn't make a difference to the boys in CAT, if any thing its kind of a bonus... they are all super polite and helpful, I can't really complain.
The class has a good relaxed vibe to it, and its easy to pick things up when its going at such a good pace, had my first exposure to a range of different tools this week.  Not best friends with the hammer, but I plan to be!  Power tools are pretty cool to use, although some of them are daunting to use, you can see the danger in them, & I'm not too keen to loose a finger any time soon.  Just trying to remember the safety tips reiterated all the time, hopefully that will keep my limbs intact.
Some of the tools I have difficulty in controlling, but I guess its just a technique thing that will come with using them often, other than that a really great week where I have learnt loads already.  Looking forward to see what next week brings.