Arrived on site today to see the roofs are finally up on the houses, pretty awesome to see. Outside cladding on & from interior of building you can see the building wrap that they laid down before putting it on!
On to ceiling battens today. Has been a pretty long process & still a little bit left to do tomorrow. Basically started off day by nailing off battens already laid out on previous days. 75's used with the battens, where two needed to be secured in where ever it crossed under the bottom chord of the trusses. Once done, we carried on with laying out the rest of the battens.

Once all marked out, the battens were cut to length. They had to be cut so that the no two joins were adjacent to each other.
Where there was a join on the truss, the batten had to be cut so that it fell mid way through the thickness of the bottom chord & then was nailed in with two skewed nails.
When nailing in the battens, a helpful trick was to pre nail the fixings partially so that when it was held in place, it was easier to drive in.
Another way to reduce work load was to secure an additional nogging on top of the double top plate, so that there was surface to nail from the bottom upwards (rather than skewed from the side).
The ceiling battens were laid out at 400mm spacings and varied from room to room where they fell (so they do not run in one line throughout the house as a result).
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