Carried on with walls today but was able to get a lot more done as was working with Afi. Just followed the same procedures as yesterday, but today, we also got to put up Standard gib as well as brace line gib.
It was quite an interesting process, as with the standard gib, the spacings were every 300mm, but could also use the same braceline fixings of 50/50/50/150 if it was stipulated that the area was GS1.
In this case, although the same nailing pattern was used (as you would for braceline) this was done with the screws rather than the Gib Braceline nails.
When cutting out the different openings from the gib, I also found that when measuring out, it was best to take the measurement up to the stud in which the frame sits in (rather than hard up to the frames edge). This was because the wooden packers often got in the way of the gib & caused it to splinter & damage the gib when it was being held hard up against the wall.
Also, it is a really good idea to double check the frames first before lifting the gib sheet up as often the expandable foam needed to be trimmed back to allow the gib to sit comfortably.
A good tip from the gib book was to use a drink bottle lid at the end of the glue's nozzle as this allowed for good distribution of glue onto the studs where the sheeting sat.
When placing the gib up, we sometimes found that it didn't sit comfortably in the gap, so a quick solution to this, was to use the rasp to sand back the edge a bit. This was a quick method to shave a few millimeters off the end & then a piece of gib could then be held against the sheet trying to be fitted in & lightly tapped with a hammer to tap it the rest of the way in.