Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Finishing Nogging, aligning joists & strengthening timber joins

Today we carried on from where we left off yesterday.  Still had loads of noggings to put into place along the sub-flooring.  Yesterday when we started on the nogs, Rich told us to miss out a spacing after attaching three of them. Found out today what the reasoning behind this was... having the spacing allowed us the possibility to adjust the joists that were going to have particle floor board attached to it, so that they run straight and are in alignment.  Using the string line, we ran this straight across the joists in question, then with a F clamp we moved the joist so that it became in line with this.  When it was centered, measurements were taken and a nog cut to the fit of this, so that when nailed in place, it would hold the joist at this setting.  If the joist had to pushed to achieve alignment, a larger nog was cut to push the joist into place.

We also strengthened any timber joins today with stainless steel nail plates.  These were placed over the join so that it was sitting evenly, then nailed into place with stainless steel nails.  These were done along the bearer joins (both on outside and inside edge joins) and also where the floor joists met along the middle bearer.   Also did some housekeeping of the site, had loads of rubbish bits of timber around, & also finally broke down the profiles that we had set up from DAY 1.  It seems like sub-flooring is fast coming to an end!!!

Still have a few more nogs to put in tomorrow, but hopefully we should be able to put flooring on by end of day

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim, the information you have posted since Monday 11th April reflects the learning outcomes for BUIT 4542, in particular 3.1.1 - 3.2.1, the use of 'Blog' to account for your practical activities is valuable evidence of your comprehension and interpretation of the subject. I'm positive your 'Portfolio' will reflect the same.
